
Field Surveys

The survey module manages data from temporary and permanent plots which may be small, irregularly shaped survey sites or industrial scale forest grid blocks. The simplest samples may only register species presence. More complex surveys may include many more measurements. For example, a forest survey may add data about trees - tree numbers with their provisional identification, diameter, height, stem form, field images, specimen vouchers and more, depending on the research objectives. Plot data, combined with other data stored in BRAHMS, can be used for diversity and bio-quality analysis. See Rapid Botanic Survey guide

Key features

  • Store data for any category of temporary or permanent sample plot registered in your sample category file.
  • Organise sample plots into survey groups for a field trip or any logical sample grouping."
  • Each collection of sample plots is stored in a plot-sample header file, one record per sample plot area. The structure of this file can be edited to include all necessary descriptive fields for the samples.
  • Include images and KML plot boundaries as part of each sample description.
  • Sample assessments are stored in a sample data file linked to the header. Data file design depends on the type of project. The only required field aside from the sample code is the species entry.
  • Beyond measure presence of species per sample, the structure can be extended to include the required fields. For example, in a forest inventory plot, this may include tree number, DBH and HT with fields to calculate volume and basal area. Other plots may record phenology, abundance or as relevant to the study in hand.
  • Data records can be linked to vouchers used to confirm or update subsequent plant identification.
  • Images of each plant can be added to the data record.
  • Data input to sample records is optimised using Rapid Data Entry procedures to minimise typing and reduce data entry error.
  • Sample data can be summarized to the sample header file, for example plant total, taxa counts and bioquality scores.
  • Selected plots data can be transferred from the data capture files into the database proper. Once here, plot sample data can be used to assist with diversity and bio-quality calculations.

Use survey data to calculate meaningful local richness, diversity and bioquality indices.