
Images, Paintings and Illustrations

Images of specimens, living plants, illustrations, maps and other media such as PDF files can be linked to records throughout BRAHMS. The tools provided to rename and auto-link images to records based on image file names are life savers for larger projects. Many herbaria now use rapid imaging techniques for specimens and use the images as the basis for subsequent digitization.

Key features

  • Images can be linked to any data record in BRAHMS, typically to species, botanical records, specimens and garden plants.
  • You can also link images to records in RDE files using the IMAGELIST memo field.
  • All images linked in BRAHMS are registered in the main image file together with optional copyright, caption, keywording and image priority.
  • Images can be linked to records by dragging from your file manager to the image viewer screen. Or using AutoLink tools to create links based on matches between the image file name and the data record. Auto links are often used for specimen images named as barcodes.
  • Rather than adding links to physical image files, you can add image URLs to BRAHMS, linking records to images stored in media libraries or elsewhere online.
  • Upload image metadata to your website direct from the BRAHMS WebConnect module. Images can be Zoomified to speed up online access.