
Diversity Analysis

Any geo-referenced data stored in BRAHMS can be used to compile species lists from basic checklists to fully fledged floras, diversity, richness and bio-quality calculations for any selected area. Data are typically drawn from 'botanical records' - which represent species x location records. Botanical records themselves are derived from three main sources: herbarium specimens, field observations and botanical surveys. The potential to report on smaller areas in greater detail increases with higher resolution geo-referencing all the way to pinpoint GPS map data.

Key features

  • Assemble names to report using any search criteria and any scale, for example a country, region or named place, a forest reserve or series of sample plots, or a selected map area.
  • For each name in selection, choose to include those taxon related details relevant to your publication.
  • Optionally, include formatted specimen citation lists, plot summaries, images and literature for all taxa, as available.
  • Score areas at any selected scale for collection intensity and taxa richness.
  • Based on taxa rarity, red list or Star status, calculate bio-quality by area using, for example, GHI (Genetic Heat Index).
  • Send HTML formatted outputs such as floras, checklists and other geographic lists directly to text documents such as Word, for final editing.
  • Display data graphically using GIS using colour and symbols to indicate species richness.
  • Publish floras, checklists and other geographic selections online with taxa, collections, images and maps.